Security Awareness Assessment

Information Security & Privacy Awareness (ISPA) Program

Leveraging a combination of courses, videos, posters, tip sheets and other reinforcement assets, ISPA takes an interactive and engaging approach to help employees recognize the value of different types of sensitive information and drive the behavioral change needed to protect it.
ISPA is currently in use by over 200 organizations and is designed for general staff in roles such as human resources, legal, marketing, finance, sales, operations and customer service.

Eight eLearning modules

The ISPA program comprises of 8 highly interactive, 10-minute modules covering the following topics:

Malware Awareness Physical Security
Password Security Mobile Device Security
Social Engineering Phishing Awareness
Email Security Travel Security

Security Awareness 365 - program assets

To supplement training course content, we offer a variety of educational and messaging materials that reinforce lessons and organizational relevance, including:

  • Tip Sheets
  • Infographics
  • Articles
  • Holiday/Calendar Collateral
  • Paper Games

2-minute videos

  • Our 2 minute video series offers practical, memorable tips for DOs an DON'Ts around security awareness topics as they relate to our 8 modules
  • Using humor, simple design and brevity, these videos can stand on their own or supplement a formal training program

Customers are given all source files in order to use as they see fit. Each printed asset has a designated space where a customer can drop their logo in for customized branding.

Phishing Simulation Services

Security Innovation provides a proactive Phishing service that simulates real world phishing attack scenarios and ensures that your employees are equipped with the knowledge needed to thwart them.